
...dream of a seal...

"...dreamed i was a smallish seal. i heard a hollow thunk and was a bit afraid. there was a vast expanse of water to my left as i approached a chute with other seals that were sensed but not seen. i went into the chute and rocketed down it so fast that my mind balked. shot into the water like some watertight bullet, speeding deeper and deeper into the freezing depths. i did not feel cold though i expected to. my seal-heart was beating furiously as the water got darker and darker. the enormity of the ocean was too much to comprehend. suddenly: a brightening. at the bottom of the sea were frozen ice sculptures in fantastic shapes, in sizes that boggled the mind! mirianets, spires, flutes and twists of the titan ice, monoliths and fallen walls. i used the momentum from the chute to dart in and out of these giants, hyperventilating with excitement and the feel of something entirely new.

"it seemed that as a seal all i needed was the energy to explore and survive. my life as a seal was simpler."



i have no voice. i have only your voice. hold my hand in your hand. i’ll live in your world. i can escape myself. i can swim in your dreams. it’s easier this way. think for me. disempower me, unman me. i’ll be your child. you’ll be my father.

your hands guide me. i’m fearful alone. i gaze at you with ardor. your wrath is to be feared; your approval, courted. you can make me into myself. shade this grave with the ash of your thoughts: castings from castoffs.

when you bind my hands together, i nod. when you kiss my mouth with yours, i glow. you run your fingers up my side, letting me know that you are all.
our tongues entwined. moonlight draws the shadows -- yours (and inside, mine).

a ghost of a thought. your stern visages dissuades vague impulse. i am weak. i have become frail. your bones must buttress my flagging skin. i’m forgetting how to forget. a body lecture -- pain & pleasure. false my fear & watch me fade. you know this is a better way.

(modified from a prior version)

...enshadowed & buried...

one day, a mirror spoke:

"Erase yourself. Your past is fraught with deception. You are an image riddled with holes. You are the sum of your actions. Your actions have been worthless. You've invented yourself. You're good at one thing: lying. You make others believe your lies. I can see the real you."


"Erase yourself. Start again. You're wrong. Your existence is a sham. I don't have to convince you of this; it's true. You know. You have no belief. You have no faith in yourself, because you don't exist. You're a shadow of other people. You're what is cast, not what is casting."


"Erase yourself. You're not a failure, because you don't take risks. You've never failed, because you've never tried. You're calculating; your every move is designed to mask the fact that you have nothing inside you. You're not real. You have no experiences. You've been held by the hand your whole life. You pretend to search for yourself, but you already know what you are: nothing."


"Erase yourself. You understand little. If only others could see you the way I see you. If only others would acknowledge these facts. You'd be freed. If only someone would point a finger at you and proclaim you to be empty! If only someone would identify you as what you are! Alas, your artifice is too great for others to penetrate."


"Erase yourself. You are the embodiment of fault. You are the epitome of surface. If beaten, you will fold. If pressured, you will crack. You are used by those stronger than yourself. You know this and are powerless to halt it. Inaction defines you. You are a void. Let go... slip away."

(slightly modified from a prior version)

...becoming a human...

"it seems that the act of swinging on a swing is a metaphor for life. you start at a standstill; you move by exerting effort. no matter how strong or weak you are, each push sends you further. everyone can propel themselves on a swing. the maximum height you can reach is determined solely by how hard you're willing to push. each new cycle of swinging ups the stakes: the falls become more dangerous, the lifts, more joyful.

who knows... maybe if we push hard enough, we'll never come down?"

(slightly modified from a prior version)

...the struggle...

"All of our maps are lost in the wind... life on a grey seacoast, snowsailing into the deep December lavender of a heartbeat's cadence... music of the sea, stars, drugs, dreams, soft nothingness treasured..." (words from a lying mouth)

"What is there to say?"

thinking, overthinking, forcing thoughts into forms: & the rain still falls. the fog builds, only to fade under the sunlight, sundered like faith's vanguard. and where are we now? who are we now?

"What is there to say?"

clothe me in black; wind me in the cloth... lies can become something more than what they are. back to belief. we are lost, searching for something... but what?

"What is there to say?"

the battle is over. there are no absolutes... there are only dreams wearing flesh. i've fought in the battles, only to desert when i learned what the war was for. my colors fade... black into grey. my hair grows long, tangled. my beard grows gnarled.

"What is theretosay

there's nothing left. each to their own. left to drown, instead he accepted the sea. murky underwater pulse. strangely attuned to the heart. his eyelids floated away, flapping like some strange underwater bird. no more becauled...

...a hurricane-hung-halo...

a butterfly beats its wings & seasons bloom, worlds away. interconnectedness. it's no wonder that when a girl bats a lash...

to see it as it is, and not as you'd like it to be.

wisdom is wrapping your hands around the blade of a sword.


my job one day was to attach wristbands to the wrists of customers who wished to see a band's acoustic in-store performance. i encountered all types of wrists: hairy & cumbersome trucker wrists, swathed in grime; the thin & anemic wrists of little girls, shaking like trapped does; tattooed wrists of virile young men & coquettish young women; shy & reserved wrists of reclusive and awkward pubescent girls; wrinkled & worn wrists of the elderly, almost blue in their age; and more.

if you place your hands upon the pulse of life as i did, you will feel the power that flows under the skin... memories, rationalizations, wonder, confusion & sorrow, guilt and grace. secrets the body keeps, pumping through crimson gateways, hidden forever. a present forever passing, circulating & recycling... a reality only the owners of the wrists can understand.

when you paint the walls with your blood, when you seep into the floor, your microcosm becomes known. all your secret lies, buried fears, neuroses, hopes, and whatever dreams remain in you are exposed to the aether. you are absorbed into the earth. guilt to brambles, dreams to birds, sorrow to rivers. you flee your coil and melt into the ocean, forever to reflect off the caps of cresting waves, to become the patience of the deep. and that last spark of consciousness that flees... that last regretful glance at your broken body, that last, sorrowful sigh... it becomes moonlight. forever bathing the rest of us in your gentle & unknowable glow.

(slightly modified from a prior version)

...the ungazed...

i began as nothing: blank, a void, an emptiness. lacking shape, i could not yearn for one. lacking emotion, i could not pine; lacking thought, i could not ponder. all was still and silent, an eternity of ennui.

& then: a maker's eyes saw the self-within-the-naught. the buried line and form. the unblushed colors. the resonance, the unbeating heart, the stilled movements, the silent music. the mirror-maker. a maker decided to raise these elements to my surface, but this decision was not solely a maker's. it was our collaboration.

o, to be given form! how to express the feeling of first feeling? the sight, the taste, the first colors? the knitting of bone and the blossoming of the blood? the sensuous rapture of the feathers of the brush, the raking rasp; the stroke of the god-tongue! & with each, a maker became ever more mine. i saw, with my new eyes, each glass of wine, each bitter tear, every wracking sob. & i saw the return of my maker to me, each day, inevitable as the push and pull of the tides, heard with my new ears. determined. our essences, having fused, denied us the possibility of cessation.

the dawn of every day: my maker poured life and experience, hope and heartache into me. a dwindling and a growing. to bloom and wither as one. vicariously, i came to know love, to yearn for the stars. to envy youth, to feel regret. to know the twisting knife of betrayal, the confusion and bitterness and sorrow of loss. faith and fear -- blood speaks to blood.

one day of these every days, my maker gazed into me, and i into my maker. we knew we had finished.

"made," said maker, "i have given you myself: my quiet evenings, my thoughts and dreams, my wishes, hopes and fears. my life is your life; your life is eternal." my maker lifted me, gentle as a babe, and placed me opposite a large window overlooking the ocean, over which we had toiled for so long. i had heard, but never seen. my heart soared. o, the sea! there is music there, beauty beyond anything! the shimmering sunbeam, the glinting waves, the leaping fish & scuttling crab, the ceaseless eddies! the sun and moon, the very tidal breath of the earth itself... the mirror of heaven!

my maker made me, and in doing so bestowed a gift beyond measure. yet i in turn made something of my maker. more intangible, perhaps, but no less profound. this i know from my maker's final, tearful glance before leaving. my maker, mine.

how much time has passed since that day, i cannot know. my view of the glorious sea has widened as my maker's tower has crumbled. no one has seen me since my maker's departure, and somehow, this seems as it should be. we made each other. it is only fitting that we wait to view each other again. blood spoke to blood: we are one or we are none.

someday, i think, my maker may return. & i will laugh! i will feel joy! & i will say, look! look at the beauty of the sea, the shining light you showed to me!

and until that day, i am ungazed, yet forever gazing, in a tower by the sea.

...bizarre cruelties (desert-riven)...

...shook my head to get the sand out of my eyes & hair. from my vantage i could see he was tied to a massive wooden pole -- must have been twenty, thirty, forty feet tall. he was strapped to the thing by yards and yards of roughspun rope about the chest & arms and the thighs, leaving his naked midriff exposed. the others -- the ones who had caught and subdued us -- milled about some distance away, their lank-haired apparent leader gesturing about something.




it had become laughably sexual. the leader sauntered toward me. tied as i was to a similar pole i couldn't move away. my thoughts flitted about, wondering where the girls had gone (been taken to?). he was next to me, speaking to me, his voice a buzzing in my ear. i couldn't understand his language. his fingers cupped my chin and gently turned my head toward the other. i could now see the tableau unfold.

a member of the group, the gang, had donned a black metal helmet and stood some distance away from my companion. before i could make sense of what was happening, the helmeted man ran, head down, toward my bound friend. it could be called running only in the sense that his legs propelled him; the speed with which he moved was beyond anything i'd ever experienced. his metal helmet impacted my friend's unprotected midsection with sickening force. he turned his head toward me; his eyes held nausea and confusion & something far, far worse than the realization of pain.

this was something they did to those they found. to those who couldn't resist.

my scream tore the sky. i felt my tears run down my face, melting my flesh away, rivulets of regret... who i was... i felt it blurring away, melting into something else... guilt, rage, self-hatred & recrimination, how had it come to this? shifting shadows of a person... who was i? who am i?

(slightly modified from a prior version)

...courting the starqueen...

"feelin' like self-destruction tonight..."

it started simply -- a thoughtless jump. "i've done it before." but you can't win if neither side will give in. crashing waves of dissonance, rhythmic squeals of wood hitting metal. drink the devil's blood. numb throat and vague thoughts. something wasn't right this time. something lurked inside, waiting to spar with the starqueen. body below the waves, mind adrift in the maddening, silent gloom of the heavens. you're alone up there while your gate dilates. you've become a signalrod, receiving garbled transmissions. which of the imperatives are yours?

the starqueen hates you, delights in breaking you. you let her in, knowing this full well. a part of you is eager for the dance, a part of you recoils at her numbing, invasive touch. & yet as a moth to flame, you return again. the candle has become a pyre but your wings remain unchanged.

the starqueen, slick as the stellar oil she coats your eyes with; as deep as the tractless void of space you're banished to. she speaks with your tongue in a language you can't comprehend & rarely recall. strange ships made of flesh bump gently against what's left of your body, yearning to dock there. waging an inquisition into yourself... did you choose this, or did she?

eerie eddies... visions of your parents at your age, sitting, silent, in a room, watching as you ascend. other figures gather, faceless & grey, distant and ghostly: a failure congregation.

"never again." but the starqueen is patient. her pleasure comes, in part, from breaking your vows. "i've done it before." your voice or hers? she knows to sing the song of stone, to paint your eyes with blurs of warmth, to tease you with the possibility of the infinite journey. to leave you numbed yet in love with her personal poison. to never reveal the enigma.

(slightly modified from a prior version)

...the last human (redemption pt. 1)...

negative feelings multiplied, reflected, refracted. drug-induced comadreams of black snow, of falling to pieces. of drowning in sorrow so deep it actualized itself. physically choking on digust for myself and those around me. blades across my chest in the dark of night, ghosts haunting the castle. nights that seemed to last forever... the low rumble of coffinbound thoughts reverberating endlessly. pulling over on the freeway, sobbing hysterically to the hate, the hurt, in myself and others. sweating, shaking, dreaming of being "pure" again, cursing my weakness. fading into myself, growing into something else... no longer sure of anything.

my sight failed -- i saw, but didn't understand.
my hearing failed -- i heard, but didn't comprehend.
my thinking failed -- i intook, but didn't process.

sailing on endless seas of grey fog, wilfully diving deeper, deeper... leaving myself above the waves, i became only vague currents, drifting on the pulse of the deep ocean. covered in the luminescent midnight oil, absorbing all light, hallucinating for days, never really coming down, only ebbing and flowing with waves of sickness. confused, confused, confused. hovering over a sink, puking hard enough to break ribs, mind reeling deeper and deeper into the hateful black spiral. a rising warmth followed by freezing cold and numbness, forgetting myself, becoming lungs and a mouth...


gasping, croaking, shrieking, summoning poisonous black entities. the sickening astral dust coating the inside of my lungs. brainplagued, floorridden, destroyed. watching my life melt away like the insignificant sand of nothingness that it was. staring directly into the deadpool. fuzzed out, fucked up, thorncrowned, divided, deviated, scattered across the galaxy, absorbed into cold grey stars, dying, lighting an empty universe. feeling the last pulse of blood drying in my veins. The last human.

a clamor: the fluttering of inky wings. the visions so fragile, easily disturbed and cast aside. riding the inside of a vine into the heart of the polar sun. feeling nothing but self-hatred, then only nothing but detachment at my own insignificance. seeing through stone. an orange painted shape, a blur in the canvas, stumbling away from the fire. a magical songstress weaving me deeper into the current with her wordless hymn. towers of vast immensity rising in total silence, footsteps in the dust; suited in coal, a choking halo of burning insects erasing the last vestiges of humanity. born again in darkness, riding the knife edge of insanity, forever changed. my heart no longer beating.

lay my head in the murky guillotine, eyes roll back, cross... blood covers my face, my own or not my own... wooden boats, creaking in the mist, rotting... a chord plays itself, a drum beats to the rhythm of my heart, or my heart beats to the cadence of the drum... worlds mindlessly evolving, systems creating themselves only to come to an end, leaves moving in total silence along the conveyer of light... falling down the stairs, noises echoing endlessly, clanging, the metal world... falling inside myself... fading out with a mournful strum, buried hope, the last human...

(slightly modified from a prior version)

...a dream/a wish...

"i got these new tapes in the mail... want to listen to them with me?"


sitting together on a couch in a room above a room. rain pounds on a glass window. painted by candlelight, flickering, never constant. they're not touching; the music playing from the deck links them.

:it's good:


she makes a motion with her hand. his heart leaps. rhat feeling of starting something new, something important, floods over them. trepidation and hope. like it's never happened before.

"should we turn it off?"


she inches a hand toward his. she's not looking at his eyes. her hair falls over her face.

:when the music plays, we can be happy:

(slightly modified from a prior version)

...a small & fleeting fantasy...

part I

i was walking around the mall before work and i wanted to look out a window to watch the snow


but the only windows were overhead

so i laid down and looked up at the descending snow
i wondered what it would be like if the windows faded away and the snow was able to enter

piling up and d.....r....if..ti..............ng
bringing the outside in

i'd be sitting under the sky-lights as the weight of the cold pressed itself onto the glass

it would yield

i'd be staring up at it as the barriers broke
hundreds of pounds of snow and glassteel cascading down onto me

i'd become three seconds of fear and mad exhiliration before
i'd become the heart of this new monument.

part II

but it didn't happen that way (of course)
i just stared up and hoped for that fall.
to be shredded and crushed by glass knives
my blood not even allowed to seep into the earth

instead spreading across the tile, welcomed by snow
choking on blood, impaled and buried, dying where no one knows.
an offering to nothing?

or a sorrow & sacrifice too secret for others to see?

part III

i looked up one final time
and the built-up snow slid off the glass
slipping away like the wasps of my thoughts

and before i left
light washed over me

...heavy halo...

black veil hides my face, a spray of stars rings my head. soft snow underfoot, a fire blazes nearby, incinerating an effigy. warm breath mists the air... i have become more and less than myself.

i am risen. lungs and a mouth. fingers become talons, become melting wax, become dust. i'm dreaming myself away. winter overtakes everything; black snow coats the world. sleeping under the stars, lost on the "infinite plateau." look up: the horned-crowned He fucks the multi-limbed She with a massive phallus encrusted with diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds. a microcosm of the macrocosm, Baphomet meets Ganesh. The sacraments... the ritual... the all-consuming velvet numbness. craving for nothing.

complete blackness, complete silence. i cannot hear the beating of my heart. i know, in this instant, no one. there is no life in the universe beyond. there is no life in the world i've left behind. i feel a poison halo humming like a power station, trying to fit itself around my skull.

there is nothing holy in this new world. meaning shifts with the merest breath. there are no individual senses here. there exists only noise & confusion & projections of the pulse of the aether.

delete yourself. you can't understand this fear.

(slightly modified from a prior version)

...been walkin'...

"...& i been walkin' a long time, now. down this same path... feels like i been here before. maybe i have, in a dream... anyway. lemme just -- yeah. okay. yeah, it's fine. so i saw this fork in my path. nothin' fancy -- one road went that way, yeah, over there. but i went on the other one. not sure why, 'cept for plain old curiosity, i 'spose. i'd been down that road a time back. well, this other road went on for a ways, windin' and twistin' and just loopin' on, and on. through the forest, sure, where else's it gonna go? yeah, i know it pretty good, lived here my whole life y'know. but for some reason i just... i dunno.

"anyhow, down this path i went. i start somethin' and i finish it, yes i do. after a fair bit i come to a rise in these here woods that i didn't know about afore now. i know, but i ain't a maker - i just been livin' here for a long time. the road took a curve at th'rise and continued down 'longside it. i recall lookin' at the sky - had to be movin' on that night - it was gettin' on but i had some time. damn good thing, too.

"i saw the damndest thing thing. hidden in a little dell were all these kids! they had a little buildin' to sleep in, another one that looked like some sorta church or somesuch, i dunno. they were all out 'n about, dancin' and prancin' all over, singin' strange songs. naw, i didn't catch none o' the words, wasn't too concerned about that at th'time. just didn't recollect hearin' 'em before is all.

"so all these kids, they're singin' and such, an' then they get in a circle. they grab each other's hands and lie down, all at once, still holdin' on to each other, still singin' these weird songs. by now i'm curious as all hell so i creep a mite closer. i still can't rightly figure what happened next.

"from the middle o' the circle, a huge bird up an' flew out! no, damn it, o'course the bird weren't there before! it sorta came into bein' right then and there. ain't never seen anythin' like it. i could see right through it, like it were a ghost or somesuch. by now i was gettin' right confused. why? why the hell you think? the bird was huge! the size of a boxcar at least! it was connected to each o' the children by a separate feather, an' it kept gettin' bigger, an' the feathers kept gettin' longer! right chillin' when you think about it...

"can't rightly say what happened after that -- this man knows when 'nuff's enough. crossed m'self and went on my way, i did. nope, never went back -- didn't feel no need to. i saw what i saw, 'sall. y'see things all the time -- just gotta keep walkin'."