

i have no voice. i have only your voice. hold my hand in your hand. i’ll live in your world. i can escape myself. i can swim in your dreams. it’s easier this way. think for me. disempower me, unman me. i’ll be your child. you’ll be my father.

your hands guide me. i’m fearful alone. i gaze at you with ardor. your wrath is to be feared; your approval, courted. you can make me into myself. shade this grave with the ash of your thoughts: castings from castoffs.

when you bind my hands together, i nod. when you kiss my mouth with yours, i glow. you run your fingers up my side, letting me know that you are all.
our tongues entwined. moonlight draws the shadows -- yours (and inside, mine).

a ghost of a thought. your stern visages dissuades vague impulse. i am weak. i have become frail. your bones must buttress my flagging skin. i’m forgetting how to forget. a body lecture -- pain & pleasure. false my fear & watch me fade. you know this is a better way.

(modified from a prior version)