
...enshadowed & buried...

one day, a mirror spoke:

"Erase yourself. Your past is fraught with deception. You are an image riddled with holes. You are the sum of your actions. Your actions have been worthless. You've invented yourself. You're good at one thing: lying. You make others believe your lies. I can see the real you."


"Erase yourself. Start again. You're wrong. Your existence is a sham. I don't have to convince you of this; it's true. You know. You have no belief. You have no faith in yourself, because you don't exist. You're a shadow of other people. You're what is cast, not what is casting."


"Erase yourself. You're not a failure, because you don't take risks. You've never failed, because you've never tried. You're calculating; your every move is designed to mask the fact that you have nothing inside you. You're not real. You have no experiences. You've been held by the hand your whole life. You pretend to search for yourself, but you already know what you are: nothing."


"Erase yourself. You understand little. If only others could see you the way I see you. If only others would acknowledge these facts. You'd be freed. If only someone would point a finger at you and proclaim you to be empty! If only someone would identify you as what you are! Alas, your artifice is too great for others to penetrate."


"Erase yourself. You are the embodiment of fault. You are the epitome of surface. If beaten, you will fold. If pressured, you will crack. You are used by those stronger than yourself. You know this and are powerless to halt it. Inaction defines you. You are a void. Let go... slip away."

(slightly modified from a prior version)