
...dream of a seal...

"...dreamed i was a smallish seal. i heard a hollow thunk and was a bit afraid. there was a vast expanse of water to my left as i approached a chute with other seals that were sensed but not seen. i went into the chute and rocketed down it so fast that my mind balked. shot into the water like some watertight bullet, speeding deeper and deeper into the freezing depths. i did not feel cold though i expected to. my seal-heart was beating furiously as the water got darker and darker. the enormity of the ocean was too much to comprehend. suddenly: a brightening. at the bottom of the sea were frozen ice sculptures in fantastic shapes, in sizes that boggled the mind! mirianets, spires, flutes and twists of the titan ice, monoliths and fallen walls. i used the momentum from the chute to dart in and out of these giants, hyperventilating with excitement and the feel of something entirely new.

"it seemed that as a seal all i needed was the energy to explore and survive. my life as a seal was simpler."