
...a small & fleeting fantasy...

part I

i was walking around the mall before work and i wanted to look out a window to watch the snow


but the only windows were overhead

so i laid down and looked up at the descending snow
i wondered what it would be like if the windows faded away and the snow was able to enter

piling up and d.....r....if..ti..............ng
bringing the outside in

i'd be sitting under the sky-lights as the weight of the cold pressed itself onto the glass

it would yield

i'd be staring up at it as the barriers broke
hundreds of pounds of snow and glassteel cascading down onto me

i'd become three seconds of fear and mad exhiliration before
i'd become the heart of this new monument.

part II

but it didn't happen that way (of course)
i just stared up and hoped for that fall.
to be shredded and crushed by glass knives
my blood not even allowed to seep into the earth

instead spreading across the tile, welcomed by snow
choking on blood, impaled and buried, dying where no one knows.
an offering to nothing?

or a sorrow & sacrifice too secret for others to see?

part III

i looked up one final time
and the built-up snow slid off the glass
slipping away like the wasps of my thoughts

and before i left
light washed over me