
...heavy halo...

black veil hides my face, a spray of stars rings my head. soft snow underfoot, a fire blazes nearby, incinerating an effigy. warm breath mists the air... i have become more and less than myself.

i am risen. lungs and a mouth. fingers become talons, become melting wax, become dust. i'm dreaming myself away. winter overtakes everything; black snow coats the world. sleeping under the stars, lost on the "infinite plateau." look up: the horned-crowned He fucks the multi-limbed She with a massive phallus encrusted with diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds. a microcosm of the macrocosm, Baphomet meets Ganesh. The sacraments... the ritual... the all-consuming velvet numbness. craving for nothing.

complete blackness, complete silence. i cannot hear the beating of my heart. i know, in this instant, no one. there is no life in the universe beyond. there is no life in the world i've left behind. i feel a poison halo humming like a power station, trying to fit itself around my skull.

there is nothing holy in this new world. meaning shifts with the merest breath. there are no individual senses here. there exists only noise & confusion & projections of the pulse of the aether.

delete yourself. you can't understand this fear.

(slightly modified from a prior version)