

i'm staring at _____. i'm thinking that there is nothing more important than _____ understanding what i'm about to say. i begin:

"i want you to understallečneunttergamerrüng." nonplussed. my words didn't coalesce. i begin again:

"it's very important that you follorêiglubznåttervistąntce." mild panic. why can't i say it? it's important. before i can rephrase, _____ whispers:

"no, no. no no no, no. no no no no no. no." barely audible, but insistent, repetitive. "no, no." i am at a loss as to whether _____ denies my words or can't understand them, or is fugued out. hair undulates around the face as if underwater. eyes are distant, glazed.


"i really, really need you to harpenkskoðrieffegón..." frantic now. i mouth the words in my mind -- they're there. i grasp them in my mind -- there, there. i won't submit, fuck this Babel. i open my maw again to hurl words:


indecipherable sound and symbols made manifest pour from my shocked jaw -- a gigantic copy of Klimt's "The Kiss" twirls forth, followed by a terrified bat with a jetpack and a stream of cold blue numbers, counting themselves off. 1, 4, 5, 3, 7, 7, 8. my throat heaves forth more -- a torrent of hundreds of ancient hand-bound books flap like crazed gulls out of my gullet, shedding gilt & flecks of gold as they go. i'm screaming now, or trying to. a waterfall, fully formed, rocks and all, cascades down my lips; the sun sets in my throat and throws fire into the sky beyond my teeth; pitchforks erect themselves into words i can't read; my tongue licks trails of moss and bramble across _____; i cough up a cross.

all the while, _____ murmurs, gaining intensity and volume: "no, no. no no no, No. No No No No No. NO." indifferent to my riot of symbols, my attempts to bridge the gap.

a word in my mind: a symbol of a skill. "ADAPT." so i try, begin to talk a different way, but what now sounds are blasts of dissonance betwixt melodies, meaningless arpeggios, discordant scales, bent notes, and here a segment of Shostakovich, here Bartók, here Glass, here a 303 line... sounds turn to stones, different colors for different voices, saffron, tear-slicked black, pulsing magenta fuzz. there are insects between the stones, who turn to static and noise up my vision. all is synesthesia, bliss-pulse-confusion.

& _____ shouting now, "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!" denying me! denying it all!

i try to shout! to scream what i mean! but what comes out is an enormous prism, the size of a rhino, spinning, scintillating, blinding. as it twirls it reveals the multiplicity of meanings of each of my every words, throwing out possible interpretations under different circumstances, a tornado of effulgent data, maddening me with possibility and nuance. it is all i can see now, the rotating prism prison, shackling me with my own words in chains of language and misunderstanding. i am a wizard of words, but this spell is beyond my skill.